The -o or --output flag is used to specify the path where the output file generated by gbounty should be saved. The -o or --output flag takes a string argument, which should be the path to the output file, including the filename and the file extension.

By default, the output file generated by gbounty is formatted as plain text. Here is an example of how the -o or --output flag can be used in a gbounty command:

gbounty -u https://example.com -o results.txt

In this example, the -o flag is used to specify that the output file generated by gbounty should be saved to a file named results.txt in the current working directory. However, the -o or --output flag can be used in combination with the -j or --json flag to generate a JSON-formatted output file, or with the -md or --markdown flag to generate a Markdown-formatted output file.

gbounty -u https://example.com -o results.md -md

In this example, the gbounty -u https://example.com -o results.txt -md command is used to scan the target URL https://example.com, save the output file to a file named results.txt in the current working directory, and format the output file as Markdown.

gbounty -u https://example.com -o results.json -j

In this example, the gbounty -u https://example.com -o results.txt -j command is used to scan the target URL https://example.com, save the output file to a file named results.txt in the current working directory, and format the output file as JSON.

The -a or --all flag can be used in combination with the -o or --output flag to include all requests and responses in the output file generated by gbounty. By default, only those requests that caused a match are included in the output file.

Here is an example of how you could use the -a or --all flag in combination with the -o or --output flag:

gbounty -u https://example.com -o results.txt -a

In this example, the -a or --all flag is used to include all requests and responses in the output file generated by gbounty. The -o or --output flag is used to specify the path where the output file should be saved. In this example, the output file will be saved to a file named results.txt in the current working directory.

It is important to note that using the -a or --all flag can cause the output file to be very noisy, as it will include all requests and responses, not just those that caused a match. Therefore, it is recommended to use the -a or --all flag in combination with the -o or --output flag to save the results to a file, rather than printing them to the terminal. This allows you to review the results at your leisure without being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information.

The -areq or --all-requests flag can be used in combination with the -o or --output flag to include all requests in the output file generated by gbounty. By default, only those requests that caused a match are included in the output file.

Here is an example of how you could use the -areq or --all-requests flag in combination with the -o or --output flag:

gbounty -u https://example.com -o results.txt -areq

In this example, the -areq or --all-requests flag is used to include all requests in the output file generated by gbounty. The -o or --output flag is used to specify the path where the output file should be saved. In this example, the output file will be saved to a file named results.txt in the current working directory.

It is important to note that using the -areq or --all-requests flag can cause the output file to be very noisy, as it will include all requests, not just those that caused a match. Therefore, it is recommended to use the -areq or --all-requests flag in combination with the -o or --output flag to save the results to a file, rather than printing them to the terminal. This allows you to review the results at your leisure without being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information.

The -ares or --all-responses flag can be used in combination with the -o or --output flag to include all responses in the output file generated by gbounty. By default, only those responses that correspond to requests that caused a match are included in the output file.

Here is an example of how you could use the -ares or --all-responses flag in combination with the -o or --output flag:

gbounty -u https://example.com -o results.txt -ares

In this example, the -ares or --all-responses flag is used to include all responses in the output file generated by gbounty. The -o or --output flag is used to specify the path where the output file should be saved. In this example, the output file will be saved to a file named results.txt in the current working directory.

It is important to note that using the -ares or --all-responses flag can cause the output file to be very noisy, as it will include all responses, not just those that correspond to requests that caused a match. Therefore, it is recommended to use the -ares or --all-responses flag in combination with the -o or --output flag to save the results to a file, rather than printing them to the terminal. This allows you to review the results at your leisure without being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information.

The -se or --show-errors flag can be used to include failed requests in the results generated by gbounty. By default, failed requests are not included in the results, as they typically do not contain any useful information for identifying vulnerabilities.

Here is an example of how you could use the -se or --show-errors flag:

gbounty -u https://example.com -o results.txt -se

In this example, the -se or --show-errors flag is used to include failed requests in the results generated by gbounty. The -o or --output flag is used to specify the path where the output file should be saved. In this example, the output file will be saved to a file named results.txt in the current working directory.

It is important to note that using the -se or --show-errors flag can cause the output file to be very noisy, as it will include failed requests in addition to those that caused a match.

The -sr or --show-responses flag can be used to include the responses to requests that caused a match in the results generated by gbounty. By default, only the requests that caused a match are included in the results, without the corresponding response.

Here is an example of how you could use the -sr or --show-responses flag:

gbounty -u https://example.com -o results.txt -sr

In this example, the -sr or --show-responses flag is used to include the responses to requests that caused a match in the results generated by gbounty. The -o or --output flag is used to specify the path where the output file should be saved. In this example, the output file will be saved to a file named results.txt in the current working directory.

Using the -sr or --show-responses flag can provide additional context and information about the requests that caused a match, as it includes the corresponding response in the results. This can be useful for understanding the nature of the vulnerability and determining the best course of action for addressing it. However, it is important to note that including the responses in the results can cause the output file to be very large, as it will include the responses to all requests that caused a match. Therefore, it is recommended to use the -sr or --show-responses flag in combination with the -o or --output flag to save the results to a file, rather than printing them to the terminal. This allows you to review the results at your leisure without being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information.

The -ste or --stream-errors flag can be used to print failed requests to stdout during the scan. By default, failed requests are only printed at the end of the scan, and only when the -se or --show-errors flag is provided. This flag can be useful for monitoring the progress of the scan in real-time and identifying any potential issues with the requests being made.

Here is an example of using the -ste flag:

gbounty -u https://example.com -o results.txt -ste

In this example, the -ste flag is used in combination with the -u flag to specify the target URL, and the -o flag to specify the path to the output file. The failed requests will be printed to stdout during the scan, and the final results will be saved to the file specified by -o.

The --stream-matches flag allows the user to print the requests that caused a match to the standard output while the scan is still running, rather than waiting until the end of the scan. This is useful for providing live updates on the progress of the scan. The flag is enabled by default, but it can be disabled by passing --stream-matches=false or -stm=false as arguments to the gbounty command.

Here is an example of how to use the --stream-matches flag to print live updates of matching requests to the standard output:

gbounty -u https://example.com -stm

In this example, gbounty will scan the https://example.com URL, print live updates of matching requests to the standard output, and store the results of the scan in a file formatted as plain text.

Last updated